Monday, March 24, 2008

Resurrection Sunday

Yesterday we had 110 in our Sunday morning services, including a good number of first time visitors. In the adult Sunday School class, I taught on the subject "Many Infallible Proofs of the Resurrection of Christ," followed by a message in the morning service on "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ-The Foundation of our Faith." Though we did not have any professions of faith, the presence of the Lord Jesus was with us.

In the evening service, our church members observed the Lord's Supper for the first time. It was a very special service as we remembered our Lord's death for us. Our mission church was started in July 2006, however, we did not establish membership until the middle of 2007. With so many false doctrines and different churches, it is necessary to build a solid foundation before admitting members to the church. Currently, we have 23 baptized members which is not including my family.

This past week we had our land re-surveyed by a government surveyor. When the land was being cleared by a bulldozer, three of the landmarks were removed. We are thankful for this providential work of God because we discovered that the first survey was off by twenty feet. Now we have the landmarks in the right place are are preparing to start the foundation work. But first we must get our building plans finished and approved. Pray for God to give us wisdom and to provide for the needs of the building program.

1 comment:

Alice Widener said...

Praise God for the good number of people for the Easter Services...Thru God may they get started on their new church soon...Alice Widener