Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Door of No Return

Ghana has about 32 castles or slave-trading forts that were built during the colonial days. The Elmina Castle, about 5 km from the Cape Coast Castle, is the oldest which was built in 1482 by the Portuguese. It started out as a trading post for timber and gold, but later became one of the main slave-trading forts on the Atlantic slave route. This is a picture of "the door of no return," the last stop for captives before they were stripped and branded, then marched to waiting slave ships. The slaves that entered through this door never returned to their homeland as they boarded ships headed to the Americas or the Caribbean.

There are "doors of no return" in the Christian life as well. When we get saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we enter through a "door of no return." Salvation is eternal! When we surrender to serve the Lord Jesus, it should be a "door of no return," (see Luke 9:62). As the hymn goes, "I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back." When we die and leave this old world we will be entering a "door of no return."

Pray for us as we labor to train disciples of Jesus Christ. In our services the past few weeks our attendance has been down in the 60's. But in spite of that we are having new visitors come on a regular basis. The past few Saturday's we have done evangelism work in a village called Moree. It is a short distance from our church and is full of precious souls without a Savior. Pray that eyes would be opened to the truth and that many will enter that "door of no return," (see John 10:9). Pray for our church members and regular visitors that they will surrender their lives to serve the Savior as bondslaves entering the "door of no return."

1 comment:

Alice Widener said...

Praise God when we die and leave this old world we will be entering the door of no return...Alice Widener