Thursday, August 28, 2008

Preparing for the Road

We are finally settling down into our furlough ministry. All the kids are in a Christian school and I have been booking appointments and preparing for the road. I have booked some new churches to share our ministry in view of support and prayer. I will even be preaching in a deaf church, which I am excited about. Pray that we can raise our support level to continue our ministry in Ghana.

One of our goals on furlough is to gather materials to help in our ministry in Ghana. We are in need of hymn books, Bible Institute materials, and children's teaching aids. After being in Africa for three years, I am amazed at the number of resources available here in America. Pray for the Lord to supply the funds needed to gather the resouces that we can use in Ghana.

We are still in the process of getting hearing aids for Hannah, Becky, and myself. There is a new hearing aid on the market that is water-resistant, which would be wonderful for a tropical climate like Ghana. That is the one that has been recommended by our audiologist, but the cost is very high ($5,386 for a pair). We are seeking the Lord for direction and His provision.

My hearing tests came back with discouraging results. I barely have any hearing left at all and was told that I am almost beyond the benefits of hearing aids. The audiologists told me that I needed to be considering a cochclear implant in the near future. At least I am thankful that God has allowed me to have some hearing and the ability to read lips well. All of these things are in the hands of our loving Father who works all things according to His glorious purpose. It has caused me to focus more upon the deaf world that is largely unreached with the Gospel.

I will be teaching some sign language classes at Spring Valley Baptist Church in Ft. Worth when I am not on the road. We have some people interested in learning so we can reach out to the deaf in the metroplex. There are a good number of deaf people in the area and a couple of deaf clubs. Pray with us that we can reach souls while we are on furlough.

The work in Cape Coast is moving on well. Some of the men are having some rocks and sand delievered to the property to prepare for the work on the foundation. It is encouraging to see them moving forward with the project in our absence. Pray for them that God would give them wisdom and to continue being faithful to the Lord. Also, pray for the visitors that have been coming and that souls would be saved.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Furlough News

Tears of Joy

The tears were hard to hold back at the joyful reunion with our families & sending church. We have certainly enjoyed this past month of fellowshipping with our church and visiting with our family members. The food has been wonderful– Texas Bar-BQ, Mexican Food, Country Fried Steak and fast food. Many times we do not realize how precious something is until we have been without it.
Doctors Appointments

We have also been busy with doctor & dentist appointments. Several of the kids had cavities filled and Rachael is needing a root canal done. Hannah has lost some more hearing and is now needing some hearing aids. Becky and myself are needing some new ear molds and hearing aids. The tropical weather got the best of my good aids and I am wearing one back-up aid until I can get some new ones ordered. Please pray that the Lord will provide the funds for these pressing needs.
The doctor found some skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) on my face under my left eye. I had surgery to remove it on my birthday, August 1st. All went well and I will go for a check-up in four months. There was no charge for the diagnosis or the surgery– Praise the Lord! Pray for the open wound to heal quickly, so we can get a new picture made for our prayer cards.
Reporting to our Sending Church

We kicked off our missions month at Spring Valley Baptist Church by showing our video presentation of the work in Cape Coast. There was hardly a dry eye in the service as our sponsoring church saw the faces of souls saved and heard some of their testimonies. My wife and I cried the most as we have greatly missed the people to whom God has called us to minister.
The Mission in Cape Coast

The mission church in Cape Coast is doing very well in our absence. We are keeping in regular communication with the brethren there. The members have remained faithful and they continue to have visitors in the services. Be in special prayer for Sister Araba’s husband who has started coming to church and the Lord is working in his heart. He is in his upper 50’s and needs to be saved. The deaf class had 29 in attendance on a recent Sunday. Continue to pray for God to build them up in the faith.

Pray as we work on booking meetings with new churches and report to our supporting churches. If you would like for us to report on our work or share our ministry with your church, please contact us as soon as possible. My personal cell # is (682) 560-0872, or you can email me at: