Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Evangelistic Opportunities

We have been greatly encouraged by those who have asked us for email updates on the work in Ghana, so that they could better pray for us. What a blessing to know that God has poured out upon many “the spirit of grace and of supplications,” (Zech. 12:10). Therefore, we are endeavoring to send regular email updates, in addition to our prayer letter that is sent out every other month by snail mail.

New Converts:

The Lord has blessed us recently with a number of souls coming to Christ for salvation. It is important for us to pray for them to grow in the grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus.

1. Emmanuel Enu- 18 year old boy who recently trusted Christ as his Saviour. He has been faithful to church and has shown the joy of the Lord in his life. He also has been witnessing to his friends and inviting them to church. It has been a blessing to see him have the desire to serve the Lord. Last Sunday he gave his testimony in church and will be baptized this Sunday.
2. Ekow Sam- a deaf man who was saved several months ago. He has been faithful and growing in the Lord. We need to pray for his wife who is not saved and is causing him problems. We hope to baptize him this Sunday.
3. Hannah- a 20 year old deaf girl who made a profession of faith in January 2009, but recently came for assurance of salvation. She has been faithful to church on Sunday mornings for more than a year, even though she lives in a village one hour away. She has to take several taxis just to come to church. She is ready to be baptized on Sunday. Pray for her to grow in the Lord.
4. Emmanuel Acquah- 17 year old boy who made a profession of faith in Christ in November 2009. He has not come to church the past month. But this week one of our members talked with him and he wants to start back to church. Pray for him to make sure of his salvation and to grow in the Lord.
5. Hannah & Abigail Widener- our two youngest daughters were saved recently. Our family is complete now! For this we praise the Lord!
6. Pray for the salvation of Emmanuel Anafo, a young teenage boy, who has been coming to our church for several months. His brother Michael has been a faithful member of our church since our beginning.

Evangelistic Outreach:

On Friday, January 29, at 6:30PM (GMT), we will be showing a evangelistic video at the Cape Coast Deaf School. The video contains more than 600 pictures and is presented in American Sign Language for the deaf. It is produced by Chick tracts and gives a great foundation for the Gospel. There are more than 300 deaf students who will view the video, and we have invited the deaf association in our area to come. We expect at least 45 deaf adults, and some of the teachers from the school to attend.

1. Pray for all the video equipment to work without any problems.
2. Pray for the Devil to be defeated in his opposition to this event.
3. Pray for the deaf to have understanding of the Gospel and be saved.
4. Pray for those who are in false religions to be delivered from their blindness (Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims, Catholics, and Church of Christ).
5. Pray for our church as we prepare for this evangelistic outreach.

We will post an update following this evangelistic outreach to share with you the victories that are won through your prayers. Thank you for your labor of love in striving together with us in prayer.

Bro. Johnny Widener